Friday, April 07, 2006


Today marks the one year anniversary of this weblog. I can not adequately express the importance of maintaining a public record of the process of the tremendous growth and change in my professional and personal lives, which are inextricable.
There are a number of people that I have had the privilege of having in my life this past year. I will try to remember them all.
I want to especially thank David Millstone for inpsiring me to get this started and for his dedicated blogging and readership.

My wife Nicola
Dave Hansen
Philip Kenney
Zach Sherman
Michael Cassidy
Andrew Dickson
All of the wonderful actor-students I have the honor to have in the studio
Steve Doughton
The cast and crew of London Calling
Derek - High Desert Psalmist
Joey Boyd
Greg Schmitt
Joel Stirnkorb
Peter Kahn
Zach Mortensen
Tommy Pallotta
Heath Lourwood
Greg Foley
Travis Huntington
The cast and crew of Uncle Tom's Apartment
David Walker
Ryan Artists
Jeffery Hasseler
Lounne Moldovan
Chris Hornbecker
Jack Dahl
The cast and crew of The Color of Ambition
Robert Hicks
Gearhead Studio Rentals
Michael / Koerner Camera
The anonymous Finding Fellini readers
The Gersh Agency
Larry T
Sandra L
Jim Barrett
East Side Sunrise
Book Review
Neil Kopp
Simon Max Hill
The cast and crew of But A Dream
The cast and crew of Pretty
Nick Peterson
Shawn Sundby
Dennis Brenhaug
Peripheral Produce
The Masters
Federico Fellini

I could not have done it without you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you ...
Neal A. Corl
Signore Direttore

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