Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back at the Helm

We resume shooting Dangerous Writing tonight. We have three scenes to shoot in two locations. In spite of having two weeks off in order to prepare for tonight's shoot, we are thin in terms of crew. I'm learning that in order to be available to the vision of the film, to direct the actors and the camera, I require a modest degree of support. I do not object to lifting sandbags or setting up a microphone, but I have only so much time and energy during a set up.
I have two choices -- roll my sleeves up and sacrifice some energy or let others do the lifting and setting up and sacrifice some time. Time on a film set is so fucking precious. It goes so fast when you're trying to bring it all together. It's such a delicate balance to keep the actors focused. It makes sense why movie stars have stand-ins. I need the actors on set to frame, light and block them. I need to rehearse them, too, but I want to keep them fresh. That's really their responsibility, but most of the people I work with don't have a lot of experience. They do their best, which is often wonderful, but it requires even more effort on my part to keep them focused. I keep saying focused, but what I really mean is present. It's not easy to be in the moment.
I need to do the same stuff they need to do, feel my feet on the floor, breathe, listen, follow my impulses, trust the moment.
If I do those things to the best of my ability under the circumstances that I find myself in on set, everything will be just fine in spite of how much to the contrary it feels much of the time.

Signore Direttore

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