Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The "Most Desire" Award

In the summer between the eighth grade and high school I went to some basketball camps. At one I was awarded "Most Desire". I was so disappointed. I wanted to be "Most Valuable Player" or "Best Jump Shooter". It felt like a real booby prize, as if they couldn't come up with anything good to say about any of my skills. I don't remember how I altered it or what I changed it to, but I did change it, rendering my prize counterfeit. An early instance of being blind to and subverting my estimable qualities.
It wasn't until many years later that I realized how powerful that award was. That even if I wasn't as talented a ball player as some of the other kids, and I wasn't, my zeal for the game was wholly manifest.
As a director, I rarely have the chance to work with actors that are sublimely talented. The people I work with that demonstrate a sense of integrity about the work are much more attractive than those who have talent but lack passion. Maybe my work suffers for it, I don't know as yet, but I'm sticking with the passionate until persuaded otherwise.

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