So much is brilliant about it. The photography, of course. I'd expect nothing but lyrical, saturated images from Christopher Doyle, who also has a small part in the film. The editing, the sound, the music and the acting were all great.
I loved the acting, even the awkward moments of some of the performances were perfect. I really loved the morphing of electronic, atonal music into the melodramatic Nino Rota stuff.
It's not a whodunit, or a psychological portrait. It's an emotional journey told in a manner as unique as the non-linear manner in which we experience things in life. There are no conventional hooks to snare your attention - you either slide into its stream or you don't. I'm glad I was able to go with it.
It's an incredibly beautiful film. Thanks Gus.

The one thing that sticks in my craw about Paranoid Park is the reappropriation of the name from one infamous downtown park (O'Bryant Square, below) to rename the infamous Burnside skate park famously built without city funds by some old friends of mine (above).

Having been a punk rocker in Portland in the early 80s, the dissonance is deafening. It's Blake Nelson that's responsible for that.
¡Viva GVS!
Signore Direttore
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