I let reality take over, most of the time. I set up a situation, and then make a sort of cinema-verite about the characters, the real characters I find in front of my camera. In the case of Tango, I felt as if I was interviewing Brando and Maria, seen within the narrative context of the film. Thus what results on the screen always represents the fruit of the relationship I develop with the characters, and of the relationship I develop with the things and the spaces I find myself filming. It is through the camera that I begin to understand the things and the people. That is why I am constantly open to learning and absorbing into the film that which the filming itself reveals, even if that should be in contradiction with what I have written into the script.
Bernardo Bertolucci
Sounds pretty familiar.
Sure does, though he says it with a bit more elegance than i've been able to conjure.
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