This is where my father grew up. I took this photo yesterday. The barn is caving in on itself. The fields have been sown with grasses as part of a Federal soil erosion prevention program. I witnessed the butcher of the last of the chickens in the bottom right of the bottom photo, right where that t-shaped handle rests, when I was there for the summer of my eighth birthday. That was the last of the livestock on what was once a bustling farm that supported a family of six.
Two of my father's three sisters still live there with my grandmother. My father was disinherited. Probably just as well. I've written a script that involves the dismantling of the old barn that my grandfathers built in the late 1800s. I hope it lasts until I can shoot the film, which will be another year at least. My father's family is very devoutly Mormon. I don't think they'll let me make a film on their property that uses foul language or has any sex in it.

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