This was the exact blaster I got in 1980. I used it to tape hip-hop off of KBOO on Saturday nights. Otherwise it was tuned into KGON. At the time 92.3 FM played AC/DC and Rush as well as Blondie and Joan Jett. I was into all of the above.

John Cusack turned 45 the other day. I heard it on the radio. The other announcer shouted, "Lloyd frickin Dobler is 45!?!" It is kind of hard to believe. Say Anything was on the other end of the 80s, but it tells the story of the era very well. When I lived in NY there was a time that I hung out with Ione Skye a lot. I always wanted to find a way to tell her how much I loved Say Anything, but saying things simply and directly used to be almost impossible for me.
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