I am officially free from any obligation to my former employer. I gave notice over a month ago, but stayed around at their request to help them make the transistion. In the meantime I have been accepting freelance work. So I've been working six or seven days a week for the past four or five weeks. This week is no exception.
The thing is, I'm having a great time. I've worked the last few days on the rigging electric crew for Untraceable. I am so happy to transistion from managing the grip shop to working on set. I love being part of a crew and having a mission. It's very strenuous labor at times. Every piece of gear on a movie is heavy. Cable weighs a lot. We pulled up tens of fifty foot runs and wrapped it into coils yesterday. Everything around the west end of the Broadway Bridge. There were lights on the ground under the bridge, lights on the roof of Albers Mill, lights up in the top of the bridge. Of course where there's a light, there's cable and all the cable runs back to the generators. So before the rain had a chance to soak us from the outside I was drenched with sweat from the inside. I loved every minute of it. Especially working high up in the bridge in a condor lift for several hours last night. Definitely felt alive. I was up in the air with another guy, but we had to stay focused on the work we were doing and accomplishing it safely. So there was no chatter. Just work. Flying that high with the rain coming from every direction and being so focused mentally while being challenged physically made me so happy.
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