Walking home from a film last night, a friend asked me what are the moments in films that not only stick with me, but hit me with comparable force each time I see them anew. Excellent question. My immediate response -- The Godfather. More followed. What about Fellini? he asked. Oh. Yes. Fellini. Fellini films don't have moments that resonate so much as interweave as a continuum into the fabric of eternity. Lofty praise, I know. Believe.
In terms of story I think of Keislowski. I added that the story of Made Crooked is one that continues to reveal itself to me, its profundity resonates. Whether we got that shooting is another story. Perhaps we did, I simply have no way of knowing until we're much further into editing.
My friend said he was asking himself that question in order to examine how he might tell better stories. I like that. I'm glad to have a filmmaker friend that is not simply into making it big or "wouldn't it be cool" arbitrary shots. What's more, this particular friend believes in my filmmaking abilities more than I do. He's the one person reminding me to stay on track as I trudge through the rest of my present situation.
As I let go of my more grandiose goals, it's sometimes difficult to remember that my humble goals are not only worth pursuing, but truly the most worthy of my energy. It is likely that from this departure point more moments in my films will have a chance to resonate.
But when? Patience. Patience sucks.
Oh. Big sigh. As always, I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
A River Dertch,
Signore Direttore
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