Thursday, January 19, 2006


I have an audition for a national spot later today. Physical comedy. I was rehearsing yesterday. That is very hard work. How did Belushi, Dangerfield and Farley stay so fat? A few trips and falls and I was beat.
I called my friend Russell Stienberg in LA for some tips. He is a triple-threat song, dance and comedy man that would be the king of the borsht belt were it still around. He's making a pilot for Mtv based on this wacky alter-ego character he does -- Johnny Fayva. He actually paid me a confidence building compliment that I would probably do better than he does on these things because I'm so vested in playing the reality of situations and events, whereas he admits to being a slave to the schtick.
Going on auditions for these things is more than just getting a shot at the money. I don't have a lot of time to get involved in acting in theater or films. But to be on a professional set for a couple of days a year is very helpful in keeping my head out of the clouds when it comes to coaching. As if an architect put on a tool belt and joined the builders for a day.
Of course I've yet to go on the audition. It's very easy to get ahead of oneself. I look forward to the audition for much the same reason - it's very easy to coach the process, doing it presents another opportunity to heed my own advice. In the commercial world the audition is not as corrosive as it is in the film world. There are no rehearsals for commercials and commercials sell products; so why not cast the person that sells it in the audition?
As always, I will let you know how it goes.

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